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Saturday 28 July 2012

PROPHET ADAM(The first prophet also, the first man in the world)

Allah made the mountains and the seas. He made all the animals. He made the heavens and the stars. He made the sun and the moon and he made the angels. The angels were like Allah's servants and did everything He ordered.

Then Allah decided to make a man. He called this first man Adam. He taught him many things so that Adam had more knowledge than the angels. There was one Jinn, called Iblis and he thought he was better than Adam so Allah would not let him stay with the other angels.

He was to be called 'Satan', the Devil. Satan blamed Adam for what had happened to him and was very angry. Allah let Adam live in a beautiful place because he was good. The place was called Paradise.

It was a very nice place but Adam was a little lonely, on his own all of the time. Allah decided to help Adam. He made Hawa to be Adam's wife. They were happy and liked living in Paradise. There was, however, one thing they were not allowed to do.
There was a special tree and Allah had told them they must not eat any fruit from that tree.

At first Adam and Hawa were very good and kept away from the tree. Satan decided to do something very naughty. He told them they were silly to keep away from the tree. He said nothing would happen if they ate its fruit. He said the fruit was delicious and they should try it.

After a while they began to listen to Satan and thought they would have just a little taste of the fruit, just to see what it was like. Satan was very happy because he had made them disobey Allah. As soon as they had eaten the fruit, Adam and Hawa realised that they had been very naughty and they felt guilty for what they had done. Allah forgave them but He wouldn't let them stay in Paradise any more so He sent them to live on earth.
The Approximate Size Of Prophet Adam (Peace Be Upon Him)

In Saudi they wanted to show the approximate size of Prophet Adam (PBUH) by making a garment in his size.

This was the idea of Hamdan with the help of 4 tailors. It took 18 days and 40 rolls of cloths were needed. The length of the garment is 29 meters: 9m between the shoulders, 12m width of the bottom, 10m length of the sleeves and 2m width of the neck.

Narrated by Abu Hurayrah (May God’s Mercy be upon him): The Prophet Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) said: Allaah created Adam in His image sixty cubits (about 30 metres) in height. When He created him, He said to him, Go and greet that group of angels sitting there, and listen (to) what they will say in reply to you, for that will be your greeting and the greeting of your offspring. Aadam (went and) said As-Salaam alaykum (peace be upon you).They replied As-Salaamu-alayka wa Rahmatullaah (peace and Allaah’s Mercy be on you). So they increased it to Wa Rahmatullaah. The Prophet SalAllaahu alayhi wa sallam added, So whoever will enter paradise, will be of the shape and picture of Aadam. Since then the creation of Aadam’s (PBUH) offspring (i.e. stature of human beings) has been diminished continuously up to the present time.
Saheeh Bukhari Vol 8 Hadeeth No: 6227


Foot Mark Of Hazrat Adam ( AS ) , In Srilanka First Foot Mark on Earth .


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